New storytelling rpgs 2017
New storytelling rpgs 2017

new storytelling rpgs 2017

That’s called an INTELLECTUAL F$%&ING DISCUSSION.Ĭan you tell I had more than a few NON-INTELLECTUAL F$&%ING DISCUSSIONS with a bunch of irate, semantic f$&%wits. That is, even if you don’t agree with the basic definition I’m working on for a game, you’re still going to decide whether all of my other points are valid or not on their own merits. The rest of everything I say in this article is STILL GOING TO BE IMPORTANT. Because whether you like the definition or not is irrelevant. You might or might not share that definition. So, here’s the deal: I’m going to explain what a game is to MOST people. Why? Because using different words doesn’t negate different points. And in that discussion, it’s useless to discuss dictionary definitions anyway. And when you do encounter someone with odd or different or unusual expectations, you have to have a discussion. Yeah, that doesn’t work 100% of the time, but it does work MOST of the time.

new storytelling rpgs 2017

Instead, they key to really understanding what a word means is to figure out what MOST people when you use that word. Dictionary definitions aren’t a whole lot of good here. The problem is I can immediately point to a different dictionary definition, the one that suits what I want to say, and then say I’m right and shut up. And, if you look hard enough, you can find the one definition you like and then ignore the other ones and say “hah, see, f$&%wit, I’m right.” Yeah, a LOT of a$&holes spewed dictionary definitions at me last week. But I’m probably still smarter than you.įirst of all, what is a game? Well, you can vomit forth a bunch of different dictionary definitions for the word. Of course, if this doesn’t apply to you, ignore it. I can tell because I know most people play RPGs to win and you think they don’t. I know more about MOST people than you do. The thing you have to understand is that I’m way smarter than you. And second of all, a single exception does not disprove what I’m saying. And I’m sure YOU might think you’re the one exception, but, here’s the deal. BUT, it is an expectation of most people. As in it is not the only way to play RPGs. It’s the one I f$&%ing capitalized and boldfaced: MOST. Now, before I go on, let me draw attention to a specific word in there.

new storytelling rpgs 2017

I claimed that MOST people play to win RPGs. And boy did people fly into stupidly apoplectic fits. A lot of people found my website for the first time as a result of that article doing the rounds on Reddit, social media, and other places. Last week’s article about how the rules are important and only moronic jacka$&es insist they aren’t rustled a lot of jimmies. And why you sure as hell better understand this if you want to run games for anyone other than yourself. And why GMs who say “you can’t win at RPGs” are bad at what they do. And why that isn’t just a style choice I make. Instead, you get to read about winning in RPGs. So, you don’t get to read about NPCs today. Usually, that comes down to me telling a bunch of commenters from one of my previous articles that they are a bunch of f$&%wits. And while I’m getting better about doing things well in advance of the deadline, I still find that if don’t leave SOMETHING for the last minute, I never get anything done at all.Īnd that means that when I have an article mostly planned and written, even to the point where I announce it the day before it’s due, I can still have a goddamned last minute rage-induced aneurism and decide that something more important HAS TO be handled. And sometimes, I leave a LOT of polish and revision. And even when most of an article is written days in advance, I still tend to leave some polish and revision for the day before it has to go live. It’s more like trying to predict what I’m going to give a s$&% about when the time comes to actually write, revise, or publish a f$&%ing article. And I say “schedule,” but my schedule is still kind of a vague and nebulous thing. After all, this is my website and I’m in charge. Well, I say “forced,” but I’m not really forced to do anything. Every now and again, I am forced to make a last-minute change to my schedule.

New storytelling rpgs 2017